Foresee The Game
All about the Flagship Zen Republic title Foresee The Game
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All about the Flagship Zen Republic title Foresee The Game
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Foresee The Game is a turn-based competitive mental web3 game, in which players rely on their prediction, anticipation and strategy skills to get their opponent on the ropes and beat them in a nail-biting competition of minds!
Similar to rock-paper-scissors, both players select an action to perform, and then the outcome is revealed. So it's like that classic game of mind reading, but more more complex, dramatic and exclusive to web3!
Players have special traits that get damaged if hit by an opponent- Mind, Body and Soul. Before the game starts, players select which one of their traits is weak, and which one is strong. The remaining one is normal.
During the turn, players can select to do one of the following actions: Attack, Blessing and Predict.
Both players start with the same base damage that they can hit their opponent with. Select which opponent's trait to attack. The goal for you is to figure out the traits strengths of your opponent to get an upper hand while keeping yours unknown
Hit Normal trait - 1x Damage
Hit weak trait - 1.5x Damage
Hit strong trait - 0.5x Damage
There are 3 special blessing cards that players may use instead of attacking for a turn:
Inspiration - Get +1 damage for the duration of the match (cooldown 4 turns)
Rejuvenation - Restore 15 Health for yourself (cooldown 3 turns)
Reincarnation - Shuffle your traits' strengths randomly and get your opponent guessing again (cooldown 5 turns)
Predict is a double edge sword, which can decide the match winner in a matter of 1 turn if played correctly. A player may predict that an opponent is going to use a blessing. They have to choose which blessing they think the opponent will use for his current turn.
If it's a miss, player wastes their turn and does nothing. However, if it's a correct prediction, they steal the power of the blessing for themselves and put their opponent in a very uncomfortable position!
During their turn, players can perform an extra action of protecting one of their traits. By doing so, they lose 2 damage, but if the protected trait is hit, no damage is done. Players may use this power to keep their traits hidden by predicting which one the opponent is going to target!
Singleplayer against a bot is available to everyone, while multiplayer is only available to selected Solana communities with NFT gating.
Play the game in browser now:
Important: Some people reported heavy lag in the game using chrome. If that's the case for you, do the following:
"chrome://flags" in your browser
In search bar, write "webgl"
On "WebGL Draft Extenstions" select "ENABLED" option
Relaunch the game without lag!