Demo & Examples

For your convenience, we have built a browser demo app which showcases the features of Solana Godot SDK, and it can be played here:

Together with the authentication example, there are currently 7 Demos made for you to try out:

  • Fetch SOL balance and send transaction to an address

  • SPL Token balance and transaction to an address

  • Load NFTs and display them in a grid

  • Load 3D NFTs and display on a pedestal

  • Mint an NFT with a candymachine (devnet only)

  • "Tiny Adventure" fully on-chain game (devnet only)

  • On-chain highscore system with SOAR program (devnet only)

The addon features all those examples, which can be found in addons -> SolanaSDK -> Demos

You should start from LoginScene.tscn but feel free to inspect other scenes and their respective codes for managing web3 elements

If you have questions, experience bugs or want to propose features, please do come to our Discord Server and join the community of web3 creatives!

Last updated