
To use Godot Solana SDK properly, you need to get yourself familiar with SolanaService autoload scene. You can find it in addons -> SolanaSDK -> Autoloads -> SolanaService.tscn

RPC Configuration

This is a UI layer scene, consisting of a couple very important scripts. First of all, in the root of SolanaService, you can adjust which RPCCluster your game will use, between Mainnet and Devnet. If you're not familiar with these terms, read here

You are also able to add your own custom Mainnet and Devnet RPC links for faster transactions and better overall quality. If you leave these empty, default Solana RPCs will be used.

Helius offers a generous free tier for both mainnet and devnet links. Register and set them up here

Wallet Configuration

In the same SolanaService scene, there is a WalletService node, which is responsible for user wallet authentication and interaction within the game. By clicking Use Generated you will be authenticated with a newly-generated wallet (same one each time you play, as the seed is your computer's ID)

You can also decide to use your own custom wallet by providing a path to the json file, where you wallet's private key is written down in byte array format

NFT Manager

Another autoload is the NFT manager, which you can use to load up 2D and 3D NFTs. There's some configuration to it as well, like setting whether NFTs should load right when a user logs in and whether load all their textures as well

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